Customs clearance at St. Petersburg Customs
LLC "Parnas" as part of the Group of companies "Cargo-Port SPb" refers to the priority areas of its activity the provision of all types of brokerage and customs services at the customs posts of the St. Petersburg, Baltic, Pulkovo and North-Western Excise customs, as well as remotely at any customs posts of the Russian Federation. The certificate of inclusion in the Register of Customs Representatives issued to our company allows us to provide a full range of customs clearance on representing the interests of a participant in foreign economic activity in the customs authorities, regardless of the type of cargo being transported and the customs regime declared during the declaration.
Clearance in the area of St. Petersburg Customs is one of the priority areas of activity for Parnas. We offer all types of services for customs clearance at the St. Petersburg customs of goods, both arriving in St. Petersburg and following through St. Petersburg in transit, by sea, road or rail.
The experience and high professionalism of Parnas specialists allow us to maximize the advantages of delivery of goods by road, as practice shows that the clearance of certain types of goods at the St. with the terms of clearance and the peculiarities of accepting customs value of certain groups of goods.
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- Address : 196084, St. Petersburg, Zastavskaya st., 31, building 2
- Office hours : 10:00 — 18:00 UTC+3
Phone number
: +7 911 009-26-23
Email :