About us
Our team operates as part of the Cargo-Port SPb Group of Companies: LLC Cargo-Port SPb, LLC Parnas, LLC Nevatech Consulting.
Cargo-Port SPb is one of the leaders in the Russian logistics services market.
In its activities, "Cargo-Port SPb" involves all links of the logistics chain: customs clearance, services of temporary storage warehouses, transport and forwarding services, responsible storage. Clients value reliability and individual approach in our work. A solid base of ready-made solutions and high competence of the team, based on experience and professional education, allow us to solve the tasks in a high quality and in a short time.
Company structure:
Forwarding operations
LLC "Cargo-Port SPb"
Performs freight forwarding, as well as:
- road transportation of goods from Europe
- sea freight from China, Southeast Asia, USA and other parts of the world;
- air transportation from almost any country in mia;
- delivery of groupage cargo through consolidation warehouses in Europe and Southeast Asia;
- warehouse services in the Baltics, Finland, Russia;
- services to optimize the delivery of small loads from anywhere in the world.
Download Feasibility Study Contract
Download contract for feasibility study + brokerage services
Customs clearance
LLC "Parnas" (Certificate of inclusion in the Register of customs representatives No. 0562/00)
operates in the area of responsibility:
- Baltic customs (all areas of the Seaport);
- St. Petersburg customs;
- Pulkovo customs;
- Central Excise Customs
Foreign economic activity
conducting foreign economic transactions in the interests and on behalf of clients.
Download foreign trade agency agreement
Legal Services
LLC Nevatech Consulting
- legal support for foreign economic transactions;
- representation of clients' interests in customs and other state bodies;
- full range of legal services.
Free Consultation
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We work from 10:00 — 18:00 UTC+3
Our Partners
Outside opinion

- Address : 196084, St. Petersburg, Zastavskaya st., 31, building 2
- Office hours : 10:00 — 18:00 UTC+3
Phone number
: +7 911 009-26-23
Email : dobris@mail.ru